Effectiveness = Confidence + Competence

By Richard Brody

How often have you personally, or have you observed someone else, discuss what it means to be effective, and why that is so important? While there is often more discussion about being effective than there is actual effectiveness, it is important for anyone interested in becoming a meaningful leader to understand the essential components and how one can address those and use them to get more done in a meaningful manner. The reality is that the two absolute necessities for someone to be effective is to begin with real confidence, and then combine that with absolute competence. The discussion must begin with agreement that how we impact those we serve in a relevant and sustainable way determines what effect we have on those that we assume to responsibility to lead in a meaningful manner. Basically, being a leader means never making excuses, or merely trying, but rather committing to, and achieving results (in other words, getting it done!).

1. How does confidence relate to this process? Far too many in positions of leadership often suffer from a condition commonly known as a paralysis of analysis. While reviewing, analyzing and understanding needs is central, unless someone has self - confidence and self - belief, they will permit their doubts to dominate them, and they will fear taking meaningful actions, often relying far more often on excuses or blaming others, and procrastinating when action needs to be taken. The adage that tells us that our perceptions and the way we conceive of things leads to the beliefs that dictate our achievements, is the central component of our inevitable results, and is essential for every leader or potential leader to comprehend.

2. Confidence alone, however, is the beginning, but not the end - all. However, when we begin with believing that we can, it potentiates our abilities to drive ourselves proactively. This behavior puts us in a mindset to admit that we need to learn on an ongoing basis, and dedicate ourselves to becoming better on a daily basis. In the final analysis, whether a leader will be effective depends on his competence, or ability to do what is needed to achieve. This competence is a combination of positive mindset that permits one to believe he can, a willingness to undergo training and learn from it, get the necessary relevant experience that will help create a transformation to expertise.

True leaders realize that they must conceive of what needs to be done (also known as having a vision), follow that up with perceiving how to do so (and creating goals that are combined with a well - formulated action plan), and then persist and persevere in order to achieve what needs to be done. True leaders must become effective and efficient.

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, and Director of Development, as well as a consultant. He has professionally run events, consulted to over a thousand leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for over 30 years. Rich has written three books and well over a thousand articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website http://plan2lead.net and Plan2lead can also be followed on Facebook http://facebook.com/Plan2lead
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Richard_Brody