Green and Growing Or Ripe and Rotting: The Essence Of Learning

By Jane Benston

One of my mentors reminds me often that we are either "green and growing or ripe and rotting."

Growth is a major part, an exciting part of being alive. It takes us to where we need or want to go but when we cease to grow... we start to stagnate, shrivel and ultimately become less of who we were. It is through growth that we can exceed beyond our wildest expectations and dreams!

I have been reflecting this week on how much I have learnt and how much I have grown over the past couple of years. I amaze myself sometimes when I think about all the things I can now do, that I couldn't only a short while ago.

For many years I felt guilty that as everyone around me was doing further study, I couldn't even entertain the idea. Going back to complete post graduate study in the field that I was working in at the time... ah... no thank you!

Then I found something that I am hugely passionate about. I now live and breath everything there is to know about human behavior. And that is the difference... finding something that excites me, that I am passionate about and that I can see myself immersed in for many years to come.

I am now on a mission to mastery. Mastery is defined as the comprehensive knowledge or skill in a subject or accomplishment. Mastery does not come easily but I believe well worth the journey.
Bruce Lee once said, "I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times."

If we want to become good at anything, it takes work. It is not enough to wish were a masterful cook, to be an exceptional musician or to dazzle the guests at the next wedding you attend dancing the rumba, without putting in the time, hard work, sweat and tears.

It is the same with your career. For example; if you have been struggling to manage your team effectively, then it is time to ask what can you do to improve your skill in this area. Who do you know who could assist you to build your confidence and capabilities in this area? What books could you read or course could you take?

But it is never enough to just gather knowledge. Knowledge is only the first step. Without action, real learning does not occur. The rubber really hits the road once you put into practice what it is that you have been learning.

It doesn't matter how many courses you attend or how much advice you seek on improving a particular skill set, without giving it a go, you will never know whether or not you can be successful.

And be warned... there are likely to be some falls. With action comes the risk of failure. There will be times when you wonder whether it is worth it and whether you really can do it. The real strength of character is picking yourself up, dusting yourself down and giving it another go.

Have you noticed that some of our biggest learning's come from our failures? When things don't go to plan we are given an opportunity to reflect and learn and find a new and better way to move forward.

And through the setbacks we must continue to maintain our focus on the outcome we are seeking. Maybe the goal is to be masterful at a particular skill or maybe simply to be better than we were yesterday. Whatever your dreams, stay true to the goal. Keep focused on that goal and eventually the rewards will be yours to reap.

Whenever we are learning something new there are likely to be struggles, falls, and failures but on the other side is success, ease and the joy of being able to do something you once couldn't. And that joy is what keeps us going!

Are you green and growing or ripe and rotting?

What one skill would you love to be better at?

What can you do, starting today, to build your skill in this area?

Jane Benston is a leadership consultant, coach and speaker. She works with leaders at all levels who want to make a bigger impact. She is dedicated to building confident, skilled leaders who can lead high performing teams to improved profitability and business growth.

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photo credit: Vietnam Plants & The USA. plants via photopin cc