How You Can, Versus Why You Can't

How You Can, Versus Why You Can't

By Richard Brody

How do you face the inevitable obstacles that we each face every day? Is your initial reaction to adopt the negative perspective of focusing on the reasons that you might fail and what might go wrong, or do you take the positive path of seeking what you need to do to assure that you can? This difference in approach often impacts our results as well as our effectiveness, because one methodology propels us forward and enhances our potential, while the other one is self - defeating, demoralizing, and a sort of self fulfilling negative prophesy.

1. Do you perceive obstacles as problems or as challeneges? This perception often is the most significant precursor in determing our inevitable results, because merely focusing on something as a problem conjures up an unpleasant image that makes most of us want to avoid and escape from. On the other hand, when we conceive of things as challenges, it helps us to expend our energies expeditiously and efficiently. The visualization of a challenge is productive because it creates a positive mindset, and challenges are often viewed as an adventure, while problems are considered a sort of disaster.

2. Why you can philosophy uses our energies in a productive and proactive manner, while the why you can't approach generally produces worry and anxiety! We must realize that worrying about things and having anxiety never solves anything. All these behaviors do is bring on additional stress, which, for those who ponder on the negative, is counter - productive and self - defeating.

3. Do you learn from your stress, or do you let stresses control and manipulate you? Nobel Prize recipient Dr. Hans Selye describe the two types of stress as positive stress (he labelled it as eustress) and negative stress. While eustress is valuable and enriching, negative stress is debilitating and destructive. It is how we react to stressful circumstances that determines our end result! Stress used productively moves us to greater heights, because it teaches us how to do things better and more effectively. On the other hand, when stress is permitted to control us, we achieve less, and attempt less, often giving up and giving in to obstacles that we face.

Each of us control our destinies to the degree that our mindsets place in either the position to succeed or to not only fail, but to contribute to that failure. Only an absolute commitment to a can - do philosophy and performance enhances us!

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, and Director of Development, as well as a consultant. He has professionally run events, consulted to over a thousand leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for over 30 years. Rich has written three books and well over a thousand articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website and Plan2lead can also be followed on Facebook
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