What Is CLASS Leadership?

What Is CLASS Leadership?

By Richard Brody

In nearly every aspect of our lives, and in most activities and scenarios, we engage in endless conversations about the need for individuals or groups to have and show more class. We often refer to this as a sort of catchall phrase to encompass personal traits, integrity, and mostly, doing the right thing, in an honorable way on a consistent basis. However, when it comes to effective leadership, there is a need to formalize the needed traits that we refer to as CLASS, and to be far more specific about achieving the desired results. CLASS stands for: creativity and caring; lead by example; analyze and assess needs; strength of character; and strategic thinking.

1. You will never actually be a leader if you don't care deeply and sincerely. This means that one must prioritize creating and enhancing value for constituents, followers, and all other stakeholders, that are or might be impacted by one's actions. In order to effectively address the needs, a leader must be willing, able and prepared to think outside the box, and explore alternatives that might help the group evolve as it must to, in order to be sustainable and remain relevant.

2. No one is really a leader unless and until he commits to lead by example. While most leadership trainers emphasize the need for leaders to delegate responsibilities and get others involved, unless someone steps forward himself, in a meaningful manner by doing so first, few individuals will become motivated to follow. Far too many in leadership roles view the delegation process as a way to avoid personal responsibility and in some cases believe they may avoid personal effort by giving someone else the duties. True leaders realize that delegating means closely working with an overseeing others, so that those that they delegate to, become an extension of themselves. However, they realize and understand that they must always maintain personal responsibility and absolute integrity.

3. How can you consider yourself a leader unless you analyze and assess needs? This means that a classy leader plans according to a careful review of the strengths, weaknesses, historic perspective and future needs of his organization, as well as the demographics and desires of his group's members.

4. It's often easier to refer to strength of character than to carry ourselves accordingly. True leaders must prioritize what they perceive as the group's needs, as opposed to constantly doubting themselves and reacting to conflicts, objections and concerns, by resorting to a desire to be more popular and settling for continuous and constant crisis management.

5. Great leadership requires strategic thinking. No matter how well intentioned someone may be, unless they evaluate needs and necessities, and continuously strive for relevance and reliability, combined with fulfilling their mission in line with their vital vision, they are not providing the class leadership that organizations need and deserve!

Do your leaders possess CLASS? Wouldn't it be nice, and wouldn't your group be better served, if they did?

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, and Director of Development, as well as a consultant. He has professionally run events, consulted to over a thousand leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for over 30 years. Rich has written three books and well over a thousand articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website http://plan2lead.net and Plan2lead can also be followed on Facebook http://Facebook.com/Plan2lead
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Richard_Brody
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