Attitude - Is 80%, Skill And Effort Are 20%!

By Ellen Farquharson

A: Accountable: answerable, responsible, and dependable. The first thing you need to decide is your attitude about your own personal business. Are you going to except your director to do everything for you, initiate all contact, motivate and inspire to work every single day, sell all your product, carry you up and out of bed and to the meetings? Ha! And then blame her if it doesn't work the way you wanted it to? OR are you going to be personally responsible for your own business. Can she depend on you to meet her half way? Does she know that you are a serious businesswoman and reliable? Make the decision today that this is YOUR biz. It is up to you whether or not you will be successful. We are here to support you, but the decision is yours. If you think you can, you can. If you think you can't, you're right.

T: Thankful: be grateful for, thankful for, pleased about, welcome, understand. You need to know all the reasons WHY you are excited about becoming successful in your own MK business. Is it financial freedom, personal growth, loving to work with women, learning great skills, becoming a leader, stability for your family, having fun, extra money? Whatever the BENEFIT is for you in your life, the more you focus on that, the more it will come true. Your thoughts are a magnet. Whatever you think about, positive or negative, will manifest in your life whether you like it or not. So, be careful to deliberately always stay in an attitude of gratitude! I want to challenge you to get a Gratitude Journal and write down each day at least 3 things you are most grateful for your MK business, about your life, and how MK enriches your life.

T: Timeline: Someday is not a day of the week! You have to decide what your long term and short-term goals are. Then, stick to them to the absolute best of your ability. I sat down and wrote out my goals very clearly when I started my MK business, and I gave them to my director! Can you imagine! I have only had 2-3 people submit their goals in writing to me, and every single one of them has achieved them! My goals were: 1. to sell $1,000 in my first week. Well, I only sold $700, but I thought that was pretty good anyway. If I hadn't set the goals, I wouldn't have achieved 70% of it. my 2nd goal was to become a director within one year and earn my Cadillac. Well, I beat that one by becoming a director in under 6 months and earning my Cadillac in 9 months. You guys, I would never have achieved those things, especially on rainy days, if I had not written them down, made the decision, and given them to my director (and husband) to make myself accountable!

I: Inspire: Get inspired, ladies! Anyone can go out there and plug away the hours of their days at a mediocre job that they do not enjoy just to pay the bills. But we are not robots! We are women with passion, feelings, emotions, dreams, unlimited potential, unbounded success, and powerful desires. Ya'll, women want what they don't have. So, you need to show each woman you meet what inspires you about Mary Kay the company and/ or Mary Kay Ash the lady. Tell them why you are excited about your business. They are parched and thirsty for inspiration anywhere! Give it to them, sell the sizzle, talk about the updated and fabulous products, the amazing career, the millionaires you personally know in MK. That is new they have not heard that would wake up any robot out there!

T: Think/ Visualize: Get up each day and think about, I mean really concentrate on where your want to be in your MK business. Get into the feeling place of it, even if it seems silly, and see yourself waking up to 100 online customers doing unexpected $100 re-orders every day. What a great surprise! You are selling $3,000 per month and pocketing $1,500 cash per month every month! OR, let's say you wake up and don't have to go to a job ever again! You can now, make your own schedule, work you MK business, have lunch appointments, make phone calls, take half days, go on spur of the moment vacations, earn free cars, receive gorgeous 5 carat diamond rings, and take first class, 5 star vacations with your hubby every year on MK. Think about, visualize, focus on your dreams so often that you can taste it!

U: Urgency: Get a sense of urgency. No one is going to follow a parked car! You have got to look like, feel like, act like you are on a mission. Women will pick up on your energy and want to find out why you are so excited, motivated, and what is so urgent and important in your life. It's because you know you are getting somewhere fast. Those poor women in corporate America are getting nowhere very very slowly.

D: Determined: Ladies, I will make this one short and sweet. You get determined that no matter what happens, if you have to overcome a few obstacles, despite whatever learning experiences you need to go through, you are 100% determined that you will never ever ever give up!

E: Expect Excellence: You have got to be in such a place that the achievement of your dreams is your only option. There is no such think as failure, only learning experiences. You deserve success; it is your 1 and only option. If you can't see any other results but success, then it's yours!

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