The paradigm shift in physics suggests that there is a very well defined Creator of the universe.

Actually the physicists have been cooking up baseless things and thereby deceiving the world. Mass/inertia is actually because of electromagnetic interaction of matter with aether whereas physicists have been making all sorts of manipulations since more than a century. Newton & Einstein had rejected aether before introducing their laws & theories. Whereas aether has been shown to be existing and containing the secrets of light & time. Once aether is accepted space is again finite & absolute and filled up with aether, the electric dipoles, and it is aether through which forces of nature are transmitted as against the irrational action at a distance through fields without knowing the physicality of the fields, time is emergent & relative depending upon motion of the observer, and as humans perceive it, time is emergent and matter is not absolute but emergent. (This alternative paradigm reveals that there is very powerful God who has power on matter & time and everything existing in the finite space and existence of God is the prerequisite for the creation & existence of universe).

In brief the scenario is as under:

Aristotle:- Space- absolute & finite; time- absolute, matter-absolute, light/radiation- not properly known

Newton:- Space, time & matter same as Aristotle; light a wave-motion with corpuscular theory

Einstein:- Space- interconnected with time & emergent, Time-emergen & interconnected with space & relative, matter & Energy (light/radiation) is absolute & transmutable and light/radiation as wave-motion with no clue as to what is light/radiation physically.

Final state of existence:- Space-absolute & finite, time- emergent & relative depending on the motion of the observer/body with respect to aether at rest frame of reference, matter-emergent & finite, light/radiation- a electromagnetic disturbance of electric dipoles of aether creating a wave motion and all forces of nature being electromagnetic forces which is being transmitted through aether, the electric dipoles.

Author : Mohammad Shafiq Khan (IFS) M.Sc.(Physics), M.Sc.(Forestry), Retired Director/Chief Conservator of Forests, Studied Philosophy, Theology and Physics. Now a private researcher after having realized that humanity was deceived by everyone including religious scholars, corrupters of religions, scientists, politicians, philosophers and educationists to keep away the humanity from the purpose of life.