Do You See You The Same Ways Others Do?

By Richard Brody

One of the greatest challenges that many in leadership face that they often are either unprepared or not even aware of, is possessing a false or inaccurate perception of how others perceive them and their activities/ actions. It should be mandated of all new leaders that they take a step back before they even begin, and objectively evaluate whether their personal perception is similar to that of others. How many times have you met or conversed with someone who seems to actually believe that they are far different individuals than their actions or public persona indicate to others? In most of these cases, we hear someone tell us about their personal integrity, desire to provide value to others, sincerity and positive traits, that often appear to be in direct contradiction to what others perceive. Of course, this could have several meanings: either they truly believe what they are saying and either are poor at communicating this; they truly believe what they say but are somewhat delusional; they enjoy hearing themselves talk; they major in empty and unsupported rhetoric; or they are purposely distorting the truth and facts.

1. There is an essential need for great leaders to have both the ability and willingness to objectively view themselves. Ask yourself the question, "Would you like and trust you?" Are your words in sync with your actions? Do you strive to get things done, or do you overly rely on empty rhetoric? Are you likeable? Are you truthful, both with yourself and others? It is important for any leader to understand and realize that he must first be honest with himself, before he can have any actual possibility of being perceived as honest, and actually behaving honestly. Each leader must come to the realization that there is no integrity unless it is absolute, and there can be no exceptions. Therefore, impactful leaders attract followers because their integrity and value - oriented approach is in sync with their ideals and values, and others are able to realize that leader really cares about them. In doing so, he is able to attract others to his cause, and potentiate and strengthen his actions.

2. Do you have any unique or exceptional qualities, characteristics or traits that differentiate you in a positive and productive manner? Unless someone in leadership, truly, in his heart of hearts, believes his words, those words will have little meaningful impact. Leaders should know their strengths and weaknesses, and best utilize their strengths while addressing areas of weakness.

One will never become a great leader unless he is able to realistically view himself, and behave in a positive manner with the proper attitude. One can say they want to lead, yet most individuals never ascend to true leaders, predominantly because of the failure to objectively view oneself, and address the areas that need improvement.

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, and Director of Development, as well as a consultant. He has professionally run events, consulted to over a thousand leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for over 30 years. Rich has written three books and well over a thousand articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website and Plan2lead can also be followed on Facebook
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