Visualize Your Success, Then Take Action!

By Ellen Farquharson

When you have a distinct goal in mind, the temptation is to barrel ahead. I am suggesting one critical component that can make all the difference in your actions, energy, and results. Visualize!

See yourself having already achieved your new goal. How will it feel to be there already. Will you feel secure, proud, relaxed, peaceful, thrilled? What will your bank account look like? How will your family feel and congratulate you?

How about your friends? Will you sleep better, rest easier? Who will be working with you in that new position? What will you be doing then on a daily basis? Will you be surrounded with amazing people? Will you be helping them? What excites you about the new position you have just achieved?
When you wake up in that new position, how will you dress, speak, walk, talk, and work differently?
How will time or vacations with your family will be different? Feel it! See it!

Now, open your eyes after going there in your mind for a good several minutes, and feel the inspiration. Act from that core of energy. Connect with people from that vortex of creation. Make phone calls from that source of confidence. And don't waver.

You are already where you want to be, right now, because you are the same person on a path that is leading there. The degree to which you allow that to sink in will increase the speed of it manifesting in your life. If you need people to achieve your new position, you'll attract them from this new place of clarity. Can you see yourself there as if its already been accomplished? If you can, then act quickly. Your desire will draw it to you.

Know it. Believe it. And then act.

If you feel a moment of doubt, go back into the place of visualization. Keep revisiting that special place until it feels so familiar that its the norm. Then your regular ice circumstances won't matter anymore because you will be so committed to where you are going. It's exciting to know that you can create whatever you want in your life as quickly as you want it.

Work is still necessary, but working from inspiration will create much more, working from despair or frustration will hinder results. Taking the time to visualize and feel yourself where you are trying to go will make all the difference. Haven't you tried it the other way? It's not fun. Why not just give this a try for 30 days and see how different your results are.

It's important to let go of immediate results along the way and only focus on the end result. That's all that really matters anyway, is getting to your destination. Why not enjoy the process along the way?
This is your life and business. Love every minute of it.

Article Source:,-Then-Take-Action!&id=7889768