Sacred Word”Om”/ “Aum” - The Symbolism, Meaning And Power

Sacred Word”Om”/ “Aum” - The Symbolism, Meaning And Power

Om (also spelled Aum) is a Hindu sacred sound that is considered the greatest of all mantras.

The syllable Om is composed of the three sounds a-u-m (in Sanskrit, the vowels a and u combine to become o) and the symbol's threefold nature is central to its meaning. It represents several important triads:

The three worlds - earth, atmosphere, and heaven
The three major Hindu gods - Brahma, Vishnu, and Siva
The three sacred Vedic scriptures - Rg, Yajur, and Sama

Thus Om mystically embodies the essence of the entire universe. This meaning is further deepened by the Indian philosophical belief that God first created sound and the universe arose from it. As the most sacred sound, Om is the root of the universe and everything that exists and it continues to hold everything together.

Om Did you know that the mono-syllable “OM” or “AUM” is regarded the sound of God and the basis of all other sounds. This mystical and sacred Hindu word “Om” is the highest mantra (chant) symbolizing the vibration of the Supreme and of divine energy (Shakti). It is believed that the whole universe, in its fundamental form is made up of vibrating, pulsating energy and “Om” is considered the humming sound of this cosmic energy. It means oneness and a merging of our physical body with our spiritual being. The great Hindu sage Patanjali once said: “He who knows “Om” knows God.”

“Om” and Yoga have a long standing history. As we saw in the ‘Types of Yoga‘, Yoga is more than just a physical practice as believed in West. It’s a special connection between your body and spiritual self. So how does “Om” relate to Yoga?

“Om” or “Aum” is a way of deepening the concentration of the mind during Yoga. The sound of ”Om” is also called Pranava, runs through Prana or breath and as we know breathing is a very important part of practicing yoga. Most yoga sessions begin with the chanting of “Om” and end with it too. It is said to drive a way distractions while infusing new vigour in the body. Like a powerful tonic, ”Om” is the mood lifter and the energizing sound that replaces negative energy with fresh life bringing force.

5 Facts You May Not Know About 'OM'

1. The sound of OM encompasses all words, all sounds in human language

OM is a matrix of all sounds, when in its diversified form gives rise to all words used in language.

Linguistically, all audible sounds are produced in the space within the mouth beginning at the root of the tongue and ending at the lips. The throat sound is A, and M is the lip sound; and the sound U represents the rolling forward of speech articulation which starts at the root of the tongue, continuing until it ends in the lips.

To pronounce OM correctly, remember, the sound vibration is pronounced “oom” as in home.

2. AUM and OM

In Sanskrit, the sound “O” is a diphthong spelled “AU”. A diphthong is the blending of two vowel sounds where both are normally heard and make a gliding sound. As a result, the difference between OM and AUM is simply one of transliteration.

3. AUM represents the 3 Fold Division of Time

A – is the waking state
U – is the dream state
M – is the state of deep sleep

At the end of AUM is a pause, a silence. This represents the state known as Turiya, or Infinite Consciousness

4. The visual symbol represents the meaning of AUM

The symbol OM visually consists of three curves, one semicircle, and a dot.

The large bottom curve symbolizes the waking state, A.
The middle curve signifies the dream state, U.
The upper curve denotes the state of deep sleep, M.

The dot signifies the fourth state of consciousness, Turiya.

The semi circle at the top represents Maya and separates the dot from the other three curves. It signals to us that it is the illusion of Maya that is an obstacle to realization of the Highest.

5. OM is associated with Ganesha

The physical form of Lord Ganesha is said to be that of OM. The upper curve, of OM, is identified with the head or the face of Ganesh. The Lower curve his belly. The twisted curve, on the right side of OM is the trunk.

In Islam, it is referred to as samaa. Samaa is the sound that takes you in communion with Allah. In Sikhkhism, Omkaar is the only truth. Om is auspicious and its chanting helps us in attaining peace. It is a vehicle to take us to the Almighty. All Hindu mantras start with Om.
Thus, OM is the transcendental sound vibration with the potency of liberating the mind from material conditioning.

According to Indian spiritual sciences, God first created sound, and from these sound frequencies came the phenomenal world. Our total existence is constituted of these primal sounds, which give rise to mantras when organized by a desire to communicate, manifest, invoke or materialize. Matter itself is said to have proceeded from sound and OM is said to be the most sacred of all sounds. It is the syllable which preceded the universe and from which the gods were created. It is the "root" syllable (mula mantra), the cosmic vibration that holds together the atoms of the world and heavens. Indeed the Upanishads say that AUM is god in the form of sound.

Submitted by Shashi Goel
photo credit: MAMJODH via photopin cc