Why Emotional Intelligence Matters?

Value of Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is defined by the ability to understand and manage our emotions and those around us. A person who has a high emotional intelligence is aware of the fact that emotions affect every aspect of one's life, be it personal or professional. He has good control over one's emotions and is able to address every problem in a cool and logical way. Not only does he understand his own emotions, but he is also sensitive to others feelings. Such people are sympathetic to those around them, and are able to inspire and influence decisions and performance of those they work with. Hence an emotionally intelligent individual is an asset for a company. In today’s workplace, it has become a highly important factor for success, influencing productivity, efficiency and team collaboration.

Some of us are born with a great deal of emotional intelligence; others are not. Most of us are not aware of how our emotions may be adversely affecting our thinking and our reactions. When we gain in our effective use of emotional intelligence, we will increase our ability to develop more solid, trusting relationships in our business arena. Relationships are so important to our success in business, but not just our relationships with clients. Our internal relationships – the ones we have with our colleagues and team members – mean a great deal. They can make or break us!

When things are going according to plan and when we are getting the normal dose of things we need in life, they lead us to motivation, joy, respect, humbleness, and commitment. Dealing with emotions can have cultural, social, mental, and even physical consequences. Emotions are how our body talks to us, but ignoring emotions ensure unhappiness, but it can lead to physical illness and even early death. Thus it has been reported that those with high level of EI are not only successful in their career but lead a healthier and happier life with better relationships with others.

If a work place has people who are high on Emotional Intelligence, One can witness the following characteristics at workplace:

1. Obstacles are considered as challenges and opportunities to think and are quickly removed

2. Backbiting, blame games office politics do not exists

3. Ideas, values and employees are respected

4. Teams are considered as engines of success and work at their level best

5. Rewarding work relationships

6. Main Importance to relationships and integrity

7. Encouraging atmosphere, high attendance, Celebration on every occasion each other’s achievements

8. Constant Personal & Professional Development